Experimental Reagent Blacklist
The list of microbes contaminated by reagents and laboratory environment. The sources are Table S8 in Poore et al. (PMC7500457), Table 1 in Salter et al. (PMC4228153), PRJEB21503, PRJEB36408, PRJEB7055.
The scores (BlackLv: "Black Level") are scaled from 0 to 5 with priority given to the discoveries in NGS data;
- Score 5: OCT detected from at least two PRJEB (=3), and listed at both Tables (1+1)
- Score 4: OCT detected from at least two PRJEB (=3), and listed at either Table (=1)
- Score 3: OCT detected from at least two PRJEB (=3), and listed at neither Table (=0)
- Score 2: OCT did not detect, but listed at both Tables (=2)
- Score 1: OCT did not detect, but listed at either (=1)
- Score 0: otherwise
- Download the full list (v1. 2020/10/20):